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Hillside Traditional Academy
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We are excited to announce that Hillside Traditional Academy will be re-imagining our school logo. The transition to the new logo will be gradual over this next number of months. Yes, this will be a new logo on our school uniforms. Uniforms with the current (heritage) logo may still be worn to school until June 2025.​

​Uniform Dress Code

All students who attend Hillside Traditional Academy are required to wear the prescribed uniform. The uniform committee, consisting of parents and staff, created a school uniform which is mandatory for all students.

It is our belief that uniform dress codes foster the following:

  • A sense of belonging and pride
  • A safer and more respectful learning and teaching environment
  • A confident and positive sense of self and respect for the dignity and welfare of others

Our students are ambassadors for Hillside Traditional Academy in the community; well-groomed students who wear well maintained uniforms create a positive image. We believe that the responsibility for maintaining the dress code rests with the parents and students together. It is the expectation that students look presentable at all times. When making decisions about appropriateness of uniform items and personal accessories, parents are asked to ensure that no items, hairstyles or accessories detract from the general appearance of the uniform. Hair extensions and hair dyes must be of naturally occurring colours.

HTA Uniform Guidelines 2024-25.pdf

Parents frequently ask about shoes.The uniform guideline are as follows:

Students are required to have two pairs of black shoes for school.

Indoor Shoes

Shoes should be all black or can have up to 10% color, which would leave room for a small brand name logo. Laces must be black. If your indoor shoes are not runners, you must supply your child with runners for Physical Education which must meet the approved criteria above. *We recommend Velcro runners for K-3.

Outdoor Shoes

Shoes should be all black or can have up to 10% color, which would leave room for a small brand name logo. Laces must be black.

DPA might be a walk in the neighbourhood or some extra climbing on the playground equipment. PE classes are also outside on the field for fall or spring sports. It is also a time that teachers plan for field trips and excursions off the premises. The school uniform requirements are for black shoes (no more than 10% colour). Therefore outside black shoes are required for any activity that occurs during instructional time. Take advantage of the last of the winter sales to purchase black footwear for your child. Remember to change out the coloured or white laces for black.

Where do I purchase my child's uniform?

Able Cresting

31281 Wheel Ave

Abbotsford BC
