All students who attend Hillside Traditional Academy are required to wear the prescribed uniform. The uniform committee, consisting of parents and staff, created a school uniform which is mandatory for all students.
It is our belief that uniform dress codes foster the following:
* A sense of belonging and pride
* A safer and more respectful learning and teaching environment
* A confident and positive sense of self and respect for the dignity and welfare of others
Our students are ambassadors for Hillside Traditional Academy in the community; well-groomed students who wear well maintained uniforms create a positive image.
We believe that the responsibility for maintaining the dress code rests with the parents and students together. It is the expectation that students look presentable at all times. When making decisions about appropriateness of uniform items and personal accessories, parents are asked to ensure that no items, hairstyles or accessories detract from the general appearance of the uniform.
Hair extensions and hair dyes must be of naturally occurring colours.